The Answers to All Your Questions
How can we help YOU?
Who is Kasih Prihatin?
Kasih Prihatin is a platform to collect and distribute funds to those in need in various fields such as education, humanitarian, disaster and emergency as well as health. We also offer place for those in need in the science technology as well as cultural arts.
Who set up this platform?
Kasih Prihatin was established and administered by Yayasan Prihatin Nasional and monitored by our strategic partners which are celebrities and  listed organizations.
If I have question, who should I ask?
You can contact us in various ways. The easiest way is to contact us using the live chat provided, or maybe you can write an email to us and if you want to get information faster maybe you can directly call our office phone number.
Can I spread this website to the public?
Yes. Each ongoing campaign we will provide links that can be directly used for sharing on social media such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, WhatApps and Telegram.
Who is eligible for assistance?
We at Kasih Prihatin accept everyone in need whether you are an individual, group or organization. You just have to prove that every campaign you want to run is really necessary and have strong evidence because every campaign will go through strict screening to ensure that no one takes advantage of this facility.
What the lowest can I donate?
We accept your sincere donations with an open heart. However, to facilitate banking, we set a minimum value of RM5 for each contribution.
How long should I do for fundraising?
We give you the freedom as a Riser to determine the length of time required for that purpose. However we will advise and give an opinion on the appropriate time based on our experience and observations over the years.
Why donate through us?
Transparency is a key principle for us, we make sure that every donor's contribution reaches the intended recipients and that the donation process is transparent and accountable.